Home Ergonomics

Why is ergonomics for the home office important? If you have a small business, it is not something you probably have thought about while you are working on the laptop or desktop computer. Did you work for a big company and you are now having to work from home without any of your Ergonomic products that you left at your office? Your body will tell you if you are using the right posture. Someone that is 5’2” has a different setup than someone that is 6’2”.

You need to set up your workstation to fit your stature and activities that you do. Getting a proactive or reactive evaluation of your workstation will allow you 1) decrease discomfort, 2) prevent injury, and 3) by using the correct posture, technique, and products, you can reduce injury and be able to work comfortably. It may be as simple as raising your monitor on a ream of paper, raising your laptop to your eye height and using external devices, or getting an adjustable workstation so you can alternate between sitting and standing during the day.

If you have any further questions, contact me at kgranataclark@ergonomicsandyou.com, my website is www.ergonomicsandyou.com, or you can schedule some time with me to discuss this topic at https://calendly.com/ergonomicsandyou/1-1-consult.


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