Using a keyboard tray versus using the work surface

Do you use your keyboard and mouse on the keyboard tray or on the work surface? Both can be okay IF you set yourself up with good posture. It also depends on the amount of space behind you in your office or room. Keyboard trays move you back from your worksurface 11-12” and you might be leaning forward to see your screen or write on your work surface.

If you use your keyboard and mouse on the keyboard tray, the tray should be at your sitting or standing elbow height or slightly lower if you are a touch typist (don’t look at the keys on the keyboard). Place your elbows next to your body and the keyboard should be at your fingertips. You can place your tray in a slight negative tilt (away from you) so your hands relax down slightly but not too much where your keyboard and mouse slide down the tray.  Keyboard trays are recommended if you have two monitors and a 24” worksurface so you don’t feel like you are on top of your monitors.

If you use your keyboard and mouse on the work surface, you need to make sure that you have raised yourself high enough in your chair, so your elbow height matches the height of the work surface. Push your chair back, place your elbows next to your body, slide into the work surface, if your hands land on the work surface, the work surface is at the correct height.  If not, raise or lower your chair height. Use a footrest if your feet are not flat on the ground.  Place your fist on the work surface, is your elbow lower than your fist; it should be level. 

Another option is you can support your forearms on the work surface, elbows close to your body, as long as you don’t use a rounded upper back posture or reach for the keyboard and mouse. Sit back in your chair, use the chair backrest, and pull the keyboard and mouse to a comfortable position with your elbows next to your body.

If you have any further questions, contact me at, my website is, or you can schedule some time with me to discuss this topic at


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